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So glad your here!! Submit a application to be a guest on podcast show. This Podcast is to help people with tools to heal, feel, think, and perform better in all areas of life. We all have a story to share, a zone of genius skill to make impact and bring value to community. 

Why This Podcast?

Hi I'm Tabatha welcome to ROCK the “F” word...FEELINGS with a capital F.

95% of our decisions are made on feelings rather than rational thinking. I

Impacts our results, decisions, behavior and how we lead in life.

So let's control our feelings instead of our feelings controlling us. Are you with me?

Due to anxiety and stress at its all time high in the world impacting people of all ages mental wellness, relationships,

business, and quality of life the goal in this show is to provide you with tools to rise through adversity in this ever changing world,

uncover the greatest gift in life...

To live a Emotional Freedom based life personally and professionally!!

for SUCCESS in business and life. 

So each week I will be sharing topics to help you THINK, FEEL, and PERFORM better in all areas of life. 

Theres over 3000 emotions, no wonder we struggle to manage our emotions in healthy ways. On Emotional Freedom Friday

I share a feeling word and strategies to have a better relationship with the feeling, along with Journal prompts for inner work and transformation.

You'll also be able to listen to EPIC guest speakers to help you create a clear path forward to tackle your biggest goals. 

Get ready to activate your Emotional intelligence, FEEL happier on the inside and out, step into your power to create the

life you truly desire…and live in emotional freedom once and for all…

So let's ROCK the “F” word feelings together!!! because together is always better!

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